Guide to Recanati

Near the cost of the Adriatic Sea, it's on the crest of a hill. In the 16th and 17th century one of the most important town in the Papal States, nowadays, however, it is remembered for its famous son, Leopardi.
Piazza "Sabato del villaggio", Casa Leopardi, Church of Monte Morello
The historical town centre of Recanati can be visited leaving from the settecentesco Palazzo Leopardi, native house of the poet Giacomo Leopardi, still inhabited today by its descendants and located in the historic square of “Sabato del villaggio" (Saturday of the village). The exposure of objects and manuscripts of the writer concurs to travel again over his life; the rich library of the father comprised of his formation. From here a marked distance leads to Monte Tabor, known as the hill of "l'Infinito" from which a charming panorama can be admired.
View from Monte Tabor, Colle dell'Infinito
Continuing: Palazzo comunale and Beniamino Gigli Museum
Teatro Persiani
Once back to Palazzo Leopardi you can go up in via Roma, at the end of which you can come down through via Calcagni and via Cavour; along this road the St. Agostino's Church can be admired: its bell tower is the ancient tower sung in "Il passero solitario" poem. Continuing, on the left the Teatro Persiani, another of the Marche's unexpectedly grand 19th century theatres, with splendid newly restored interior and exterior can be visited. We then arrive in the nearby town centre, Piazza Leopardi, where behind the shoulders of the monument dedicated to the poet, the Palazzo Comunale (Municipality Palace) rises. The building accommodates the Beniamino Gigli Museum, other suggested visit: customs for the scene, photographies and objects of the great tenor born in Recanati are conserved here.
End: Dome Cathedral, Civic Gallery with paintings from Lorenzo Lotto
From Piazza Leopardi, which also shows the ancient Torre del borgo (Tower of the Village), we go through Corso Persiani, at the end of which via Falleroni on the left, leads to the Cattedrale di San Flaviano. Close to this cathedral, where the Museo Diocesano (diocesan museum) is located, you can find Villa Colloredo Mels, a splendid 18th century villa on the edge of town, center of the Pinacoteca Civica (The Civic Gallery), that within the prestigious collection of paintings of Lorenzo Lotto boasts the Annunciation. With a visit to these precious treasures our route is concluded.
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